Society for Consumer Psychology


The Society for Consumer Psychology is the premier voice to further the advancement of the discipline of consumer psychology in a global society. Our leadership draws from the top professional and academic voices to create a rich and diverse community.

Rebecca Walker Reczek


Rebecca Walker Reczek is the Berry Chair of New Technologies in Marketing and Professor of Marketing at the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University. She received her Ph.D. in marketing from The University of Texas at Austin. 

Dr. Reczek’s research focuses on the area of consumer behavior. Specifically, her research has explored consumer lay theories and inference making, self-perceptions, and ethical decision making. Given her interest in consumer well-being, she has explored these theoretical interests in the substantive domains of food and health decision making and sustainability. 

Tiffany barnet White

Immediate Past President
(Publications Chair)

Associate Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois

Vanessa Patrick

(Elections Committee Chair)

Associate Dean for Research, Bauer Professor of Marketing, University of Houston

Sarah Moore


Thornton A. Graham Chair,
Associate Dean, Research and PhD Program
Alberta School of Business,
University of Alberta

Eric Yorkston

Executive Officer

Associate Dean of Academic Programs, Associate Teaching Professor of Marketing, Rady School of Management, 
UC San Diego

Phillip Garrott

Administrative Manager and
Media Relations

Membership Support, Web Development, Public Relations
Mansur Khamitov

Communications Committee Chair

Assistant Professor of Marketing, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
Aronte Bennett

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Co-Chair

Associate Professor of Marketing & Business Law, Associate Dean of DEI, Villanova School of Business

Grant Donnelly

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Co-Chair

Assistant Professor of
Marketing & Logistics, The Ohio State University

Susan BronIArczyk

Fellows Committee Chair

Associate Dean for Research, Susie and John L. Adams Endowed Chair in Business, Professor of Marketing at University of Texas

Laura Perracchio

Scientific Affairs Committee Chair

Judith H and Gale E. Klappa Endowed Professor of Marketing, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Szu-chi Huang

Education Committee Chair

Associate Professor of Marketing, Stanford University​

MAnoj Thomas

Mentoring Award Chair

Demir Sabanci Professor of Marketing and Management, Associate Dean of New York City Initiatives, Cornell University

Stephen Spiller

Ethics Chair

Associate Professor of Marketing and Behavioral Decision Making, Associate Dean of Anderson Ph.D. Program, UCLA

Erica Lee

Ph.D. Student Representative

PhD Student, Marketing, University of Illinois

David Wooten

Journal of Consumer Psychology

Alfred L. Edwards Collegiate Professor, Professor of Marketing, University of Michigan
Rajesh Bagchi

Journal of Consumer Psychology

R.B. Pamplin Professor of Marketing, Virginia Tech

Aparna Labroo

Journal of Consumer Psychology

Professor of Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Nortwestern University

David Gal

Consumer Psychology Review

Professor of Marketing
University of Illinois Chicago

Itamar Simonson

Consumer Psychology Review

Sebastian S. Kresge Emeritus Professor of Marketing
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University


Annual Conference Co-Chairs

Claudia Townsend

2025 Conference Co-Chair

University of Miami

Alice Wang

2025 Conference Co-Chair

University of Iowa

Danny Zane

2025 Conference Co-Chair

Lehigh University