Society for Consumer Psychology

Distinguished Scientific Contribution

The Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award is bestowed upon researchers who received a Ph.D. more than eight years prior to the year in which they will receive the award. The DSC award recognizes scholars whose distinguished scientific contributions to consumer psychology demonstrate evidence of scholarly impact rather than simply sheer productivity. No more than three Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award winners can be named in any given year.

Nominations open for 2025

To submit a nomination for yourself or another candidate, please complete the nomination form below. 
Nominations are due September 30, 2024. 
Please note: in order to nominate an individual for an SCP award, you must be a current member of the Society.

2024 Award Winners

Maura Scott
Florida State University

Zak Tormala
Stanford University

Past Winners

Americus Reed
Karen Winterich
Ayelet Fishbach
Derek Rucker
Susan Fournier
Michael Norton
Kathleen Vohs
Christopher Hsee
Joel Huber
Jennifer Aaker
Ravi Dhar
Eric Johnson
Robert Wyer
J. Wesley Hutchinson
Norbert Schwarz
Itamar Simonson
James R. Bettman
Frank Kardes
Joseph Alba
John Lynch
Robert Cialdini
Richard Petty
Timothy Brock
Jacob Jacoby
John Howard
Martin Fishbein
Daniel Kahneman
Robert Zajonc