Society for Consumer Psychology

Early Career Award

The Early Career Award is bestowed upon researchers within eight years of receiving a Ph.D. It recognizes emerging scholars whose research shows promise in shaping the field of consumer psychology. Evidence of contributions should emphasize scholarly impact rather than sheer productivity. No more than two Early Career Award winners are named in any given year.

Nominations open for 2025

To submit a nomination for yourself or another candidate, please complete the nomination form below. 
Nominations are due September 30, 2024. 
Please note: in order to nominate an individual for an SCP award, you must be a current member of the Society.

2024 Winners

Mansur Khamitov
Indiana University

Tracy Rank-Christman
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

Past Winners

Emily Garbinksky
Hristina Nikolova
Taly Reich
Kaitlin Wooley
Daniella Kupo
Peggy Liu
Szu-chi Huang
Nailya Ordabayeva
Jeff Galak
Cassie Mogilner Holmes
Rajesh Bagchi
Rebecca Walker Reczek
Vladas Griskevicius
Derek Rucker
Jonah Berger
Andrea Morales
Aparna Labroo
Zak Tormala
Gal Zauberman
Ran Kivetz
Alexander Chernev
Jennifer Aaker
Stephen Nowlis
Susan Broniarczyk
Alison Jing Xu
Anirban Mukhopadhyay
Dan Ariely
Brent McFerran