Fellows Award
The Fellow Award represents SCP’s highest honor—the award recognizes seasoned scholars who received a Ph.D. 15+ years ago and who have made outstanding and unusual contributions to consumer psychology, through both research and service. Evaluation criteria include not only research impact but also institutional and field leadership. The criterion of “outstanding and unusual” goes beyond the mere existence of relevant publications and evidence of steady and continuing competence, which are necessary, but insufficient, indicators.
Publications must include impressive work, have an impact upon others, and have been refereed appropriately. Citation of the nominee’s work by others is an important indicator of the impact of a contribution. Long-term SCP membership and activity (e.g., conference participation and leadership roles) are highly desirable. Accumulation of impact, performance, and service over time must be demonstrated. No more than three SCP Fellows can be named in any given year.
Nominations open for 2024 Fellows
Minimum Standards for SCP Fellowship:
- Current and prior SCP membership of at least one year;
- Active engagement at the time of nomination in the advancement of consumer psychology in any of its aspects;
- Five years of acceptable professional experience subsequent to the granting of the doctoral degree; and
- Evidence of unusual and outstanding contribution or performance in the field of consumer psychology.
Additional Criteria:
- The existence of relevant publications is not enough. Publications must report impressive work, have an impact upon others, and have been refereed appropriately;
- Citation of the nominee’s work by others is an important indicator of the impact of a contribution;
- Long-term SCP membership and activity (e.g., conference participation and leadership roles) are highly desirable;
- Accumulation of impact and performance over time must be demonstrated;
- Evidence of steady and continuing competence does not in itself meet the criterion of “outstanding and unusual.”
Nomination Procedure
Nominees are expected to have made a significant contribution to the Consumer Psychology field. Self-nominations are permitted.
The nominator is responsible for preparing a letter of nomination, consisting of one to two typewritten pages, that addresses the nominee’s qualifications vis-à-vis the SCP Fellow criteria. The letter must be accompanied by the nominee’s current curriculum vitae.
Nominations should be submitted in confidence, without informing the prospective Fellow. This avoids embarrassment should the nominee not be accepted. Unsuccessful nominations will automatically be re-considered for up to two additional years.
Nominations are due September 30, 2024.
Please note: in order to nominate an individual for an SCP award, you must be a current member of the Society.
Margaret (Meg) Campbell
University of California, Riverside
LJ Shrum
HEC Paris
Past Fellows
Alba, Joseph
Anderson, James Clayton
Appel, Valentine
Batra, Rajeev
Bettman, James R.
Blankenship, A.B.
Blum, Milton L.
Bogart, Leo
Bradley, Joseph B.
Brock, Timothy C.
Broniarczyk, Susan
Cacioppo, John T.
Chakravarti, Dipankar
Childers, Terry
Cialdini, Robert
Dahl, Darren W.
Dunn, Theodore F.
Fishbein, Martin
Folkes, Valerie Sue
Freistad, Marian
Friedman, Monroe Peter
Goldberg, Marvin
Goldman, Alfred B.
Greenwald, Anthony O.
Hartley, Eugene L.
Hattwik, Melvin S.
Herr, Paul M.
Hoffman, Donna
Hutchinson, Wesley J.
Inman, J. Jeffrey
Isen, Alice
Jacoby, Jacob
Kahle, Lynn R.
Kahn, Barbara
Kamen, Joseph M.
Kardes, Frank R.
Kassarjian, Harold
Kirmani, Amna
Krishna, Aradhna
Laroche, Michel
Leavitt, Clark
Lutz, Richard J.
Lynch, John Jr.
MacInnis, Debbie
McNiven, Malcom A.
Mendelsohn, Harold
Meyers-Levy, Joan
Mick, David
Morwitz, Vicki
Mowen, John C.
Nuckols, Robert C.
Oliver, Richard L.
Olshavaky, Richard W.
Park, C. W.
Pechmann, Cornelia
Peracchio, Laura
Perloff, Robert
Petty, Richard E.
Pham, Michel
Richins, Marsha
Roedder-John, Deborah
Roslow, Sydney
Ross, Ivan
Rossiter, John R.
Russo, Joseph Edward
Schumann, David W.
Schutz, Howard G.
Schwarz, Norbert
Shavitt, Sharon
Shanteau, James C.
Shimp, Terence
Stewart, David W.
Udow, Alfred B.
Weinstein, Sidney
Wells, William D.
Wickert, Frederic R.
Williams, Jerome
Winick, Charles
Woodside, Arch G.
Wyer, Jr., Robert S