We invite you to submit your research to the SCP Boutique Conference on Marketing for Social Impact, Dec 10-11, 2024, at Auckland University of Technology, in Auckland, New Zealand.
Conference Chairs:
Sommer Kapitan, Auckland University of Technology
Megan Phillips, Auckland University of Technology
Katharine Howie, University of Southern Mississippi
Ekant Veer, University of Canterbury
Auckland, New Zealand – a vibrant and sophisticated walkable city located on the North Island of New Zealand, characterized by its stunning harbor, picturesque views, city beaches and lush surrounding landscapes.
Important Dates and Deadlines:
Submission Deadline: June 1, 2024
Notification Date: July 15, 2024
Registration Opens: August 2024
Conference Dates: Dec 10-11,2024
Submission format:
Please submit a 750-1,000 word abstract that summarizes the motivation, conceptualization, methodology, and major findings. References and a single table of results are not included in the word limit.
Submissions should include:
- The title of the paper
- The name, role, and affiliation of the author(s)
- The contact information (email addresses) of all the authors.
- For multi-author papers, please underline the presenter(s).
Please submit papers to auckland2024@myscp.org. Please write “SCP Boutique conference submission” in the subject of your email.
Conference Theme and Objective:
Marketing has a chequered past. Irrespective of the advances made in social responsibility there is still a perception by some that marketing can do more harm than good. This boutique conference seeks to advance and accelerate how marketing can be harnessed for pro-social engagement, empowerment, and improvement. We are looking to attract active participants committed to advancing marketing for social impact.
This conference aims to bring together scholars working to understand and build social impact in their marketing, advertising, communication, sales, retail, logistics, and supply chain scholarship. We acknowledge and particularly invite participation from those who have held lengthy engagements in social marketing, macromarketing, public policy, and transformative consumer research. We envision a collaborative alliance with all marketing scholars who seek to agitate societal-level, firm-level and individual-level change. The goal of this conference is to share scholarship and uncover the many pathways in research generating and focusing on growth and change via behaviour change, social good, and social responsibility goals, via micro-, meso- and/or macro- perspectives. We welcome papers with rigorous theoretical and empirical practice and those that challenge our ways of knowing and being, along with issuing a call for social good. In particular, we invite innovative work that has been shown to have demonstrable and measurable social impact.
We welcome debate and discussion in this boutique conference to encourage collaboration and growth of this important scholarship. In this boutique conference we hope to cultivate and plant social impact work more firmly in the SCP tradition. We specifically invite diverse voices that can contribute to and advance SCP’s vision as well as further advance our understanding of how marketing can play a vital role in transdisciplinary social impact work.
Format of the conference:
The conference begins Dec 10, 2024, featuring a single-track research presentation format for all attendees, roundtable discussion, and a lunch with a keynote speech. On Dec 11, 2024, additional sessions and networking opportunities are planned. An evening reception is planned.
In keeping with the boutique nature of the conference and to ensure high-quality discussions, the conference will have a limited number of attendees.
Why should we talk social impact marketing in New Zealand?
Site of conference symposium: At Auckland University of Technology in the downtown CBD (central business district) in Auckland, New Zealand
Auckland is an international destination hub for the South Pacific, receiving direct flights from all across Australasia, the West Coast, South America, Asia Pacific Rim and most recently, as far afield as Chicago. All flights to New Zealand are long (and painful) but thoroughly worth it. New Zealand is known for its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cultural melting pot, adventure capital vibes, and Auckland is the gateway to the country’s natural wonders (if attendees want to explore more).
The downtown city university campus of Auckland University of Technology is surrounded by hotels, bars, shopping and restaurants in compact walking distance to aid networking and informal catchups from the main venue at the university. Auckland was formed in an ancient volcanic zone and the university borders a park formed from a dead volcano, so expect hills both steep and gentle, and access to a busy waterfront in walking distance from the conference site. Access to city beaches, vineyards, and bushwalks is also on offer via bike rentals or public transit, so bring your swimsuits as well as walking shoes and a light raincoat for occasional and brief rain in our temperate rainforest.
We have also organized a special block of rooms available at a discounted rate at the Airedale Boutique Suites (https://www.scenichotelgroup.co.nz/auckland/). Click here to find the details and book: